Mabel Abraham

Mabel Abraham

Economic and organisational sociologist, studying the drivers of workplace inequality.


Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2025.


Recipient of numerous prestigious awards and grants, including from The Kauffman Foundation and The Russel Sage Foundation.


Sister of Tristan Botelho, Radar Class of 2024. 


Mabel Abraham’s research focuses on identifying organisational and network processes that negatively amplify gender differences in economic outcomes. Specifically, she draws on research from multiple disciplines including psychology, sociology, and organisational theory to show why women and racial minorities continue to be disadvantaged. Her passion for pinpointing and addressing such social inequality translates to her teaching as well, as she brings in DEI concepts into her class on power and influence. 


At Columbia Business School, Mabel is the Barbara and Meyer Feldberg Associate Professor of Business, a faculty affiliate of the Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Center for Leadership and Ethics, and a member of the Academic Advisory Council for the Columbia Law School’s Center for Gender and Sexuality Law ERA Project. She teaches the MBA elective course on power, influence, and networks, several PhD seminars on organisational theory, and courses across Columbia’s executive education programs.


Objective Performance Metrics Are Not Enough to Overcome Gender Bias’ (with Tristan Botelho, Harvard Business Review, October 2017); ‘Double standards in evaluation’ (with Tristan Botelho, gender and the economy, February 2017); Mabel’s research has been published in top peer-reviewed journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and Psychological Science, and her insights have also been featured in multiple media outlets, including the Harvard Business Review and Wall Street Journal.

Media picks


Mabel’s work helps cultivate future leaders focused on creating more equitable workplaces.” 

Basima Tewfik, Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2022

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