Ting Zhang

Ting Zhang

Scholar of mentorship, intergenerational collaboration, and knowledge transfer.


Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2025.


Recipient of the Dorothy Harlow/McGraw Hill Best Conference Paper, 2024. 


Recipient of the Charles M. Williams Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2020.


Through her concept of ‘downward learning,’ Ting Zhang redefines the dynamics of mentorship by showing that knowledge can flow upward as well as downward. Her research encourages organisations to rethink the traditional hierarchical structure of knowledge transfer, promoting a culture where individuals across levels can learn from each other, enhancing both mentor engagement and mentee success.


Ting is an assistant professor of business administration and Hellman Faculty Fellow in the Organizational Behavior Unit at Harvard Business School. Prior to joining HBS she was a postdoctoral research scholar and adjunct assistant professor at Columbia Business School. She received her A.B. in economics and PhD in organisational behaviour from Harvard University.


Ting’s research has been published in journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Psychological Science, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, and Research in Organizational Behavior. She has also featured in media outlets including The Atlantic, New York Times, and The Washington Post.​

Media picks



Learning Down to Train Up: Mentors Are More Effective When They Value Insights from Below


Ting Zhang’s research offers profound insights into mentorship, intergenerational collaboration, and knowledge transfer in organizations.” 

Jon Jachimowicz, Thinkers530 Radar Class of 2024

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