A uniquely curated biennial listing of 50 inspiring leaders from organisations worldwide


Which leaders inspire you?  Every two years Thinkers50 asks this question of the hundreds of thinkers in its community of world-leading management thinkers. The result is the Leaders50, a unique and compelling listing of 50 inspiring leaders drawn from around the world. 

Leaders50 provides a bridge between thinkers and practitioners. All the leaders featured in Leaders50 are currently active leaders in organisations. These organisations are significant in scope and/or impact. They may be for profit or not-for-profit, but must be independently financially viable.

Leaders50 aims to ignite a global conversation about what twenty-first century leadership can and should be. It celebrates and enables better understanding of the inspiring leadership practice and philosophies of leaders who are making a positive impact in the world. Through this Leaders50 contributes to the development of the next generation of leaders worldwide and to the impact of great leadership. 

Selection process

Leaders50 is based on clear criteria which assess leadership achievement. The criteria has been developed in partnership with some of the world’s leading thinkers. 

We define leadership as inspiring purposeful action that achieves remarkable outcomes.

The foundation elements of the Leaders50 are the leader’s contribution: 

The second level of analysis is concerned with character: 

The final element looks to the future and the ability of the leader to build a lasting legacy:

The criteria are shared with members of the global Thinkers50 Community of thought-leaders. They are then invited to nominate the thinkers who inspire their own thinking and work. This provides a powerful connection from thinking to practice and vice versa. Nominations are then researched and vetted against the criteria above by the Thinkers50 team alongside Community members.


About Leaders50

Which leaders inspire you?  Every two years Thinkers50 asks this question of the hundreds of thinkers in its community of world-leading management thinkers. The result is the Leaders50, a unique and compelling listing of 50 inspiring leaders drawn from around the world. 

Leaders50 provides a bridge between thinkers and practitioners. All the leaders featured in Leaders50 are currently active leaders in organisations. These organisations are significant in scope and/or impact. They may be for profit or not-for-profit, but must be independently financially viable.

Leaders50 aims to ignite a global conversation about what twenty-first century leadership can and should be. It celebrates and enables better understanding of the inspiring leadership practice and philosophies of leaders who are making a positive impact in the world. Through this Leaders50 contributes to the development of the next generation of leaders worldwide and to the impact of great leadership. 


Leaders50: The Selection Process

Leaders50 is based on clear criteria which assess leadership achievement. The criteria has been developed in partnership with some of the world’s leading thinkers. 

We define leadership as inspiring purposeful action that achieves remarkable outcomes.

The foundation elements of the Leaders50 are the leader’s contribution: 

  • Organisational Impact: How is the leader enhancing their organisation’s performance and aligning it with a clear, purposeful vision?  
  • Economic Contribution: Is the leader’s work contributing to the local, national or global economy in a positive way?
  • Social Purpose: Is the leader advancing social and environmental sustainability, ensuring that their initiatives benefit both humanity and the planet in a harmonious and lasting manner?

The second level of analysis is concerned with character: 

  • Role Model: Does the leader act as a positive role model for future leaders by demonstrating empathy, ethical behaviour, and inspiring others through their actions?
  • Stakeholder Satisfaction: To what extent does the leader foster stakeholder satisfaction, particularly among employees and customers, by creating a culture of trust and collaboration?
  • Leadership Style: Does the leader exhibit a distinctive and effective leadership style that positively influences the organisation’s culture, innovation and overall success?

The final element looks to the future and the ability of the leader to build a lasting legacy. In particular, we ask:

  • Leadership Development: Is the leader and their organisation successfully developing leaders who are prepared to meet future challenges and opportunities? 
  • Organisational Resilience and Adaptability: Is the leader fostering organisational resilience and adaptability by equipping individuals with the skills, mindset, and resources needed to thrive in a rapidly changing environment?
  • Visionary Impact: Does the leader have a compelling and forward-thinking vision that inspires others and drives the organisation toward long-term success and sustainability?

The criteria are shared with members of the global Thinkers50 Community of thought-leaders. They are then invited to nominate the thinkers who inspire their own thinking and work. This provides a powerful connection from thinking to practice and vice versa. Nominations are then researched and vetted against the criteria above by the Thinkers50 team alongside Community members.

announcement date


Learn More

The Fuqua/Coach K Center on Leadership & Ethics

The Fuqua/Coach K Center on Leadership & Ethics (COLE) is a premier academic centre at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. COLE’s Mission is to empower leaders of consequence to change the world through knowledge and connections, focusing on talent and knowledge development in the context of leadership ethics.


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Executive Excellence

Based in Madrid, Executive Excellence (Ex2) is a management knowledge platform that amplifies the work of the world’s leading management thinkers. Through its partnership with Thinkers50, Ex2 seeks to accelerate and disseminate the latest thought leadership and management ideas to where they can have the most impact, helping business practitioners and organisational leaders to retain their competitive advantage.


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The Global Institute of Leadership and Technology

The Global Institute of Leadership and Technology (GILT) offers experience-based educational programs in the fields of technology and leadership. These include accredited degrees, executive education programs, and tailored programs for organisations, senior executives, and young professionals. Founded in 2019 by Anders Inset and Robin Weninger, GILT is headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany. 


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Institute for Competitiveness

The Institute for Competitiveness (IFC) serves as the Indian hub within the global network of the Institute for Strategy and Competitive at Harvard Business School (HBS). IFC is dedicated to expanding and disseminating the body of research and knowledge and strategy as pioneered by Michael Porter of HBS. It conducts and supports indigenous research, offers academic and executive courses, and provides advisory services to the government and corporate sectors.


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The Leadership Consortium

Founded by renowned Harvard Business School Professor Frances Frei, best-selling author Anne Morriss, and technology executive Cara Shortsleeve, The Leadership Consortium (TLC) helps best-in-class organisations create the conditions for more and varied leaders to thrive. Since 2018 TLC has been delivering custom advisory work, executive coaching, and an innovative leadership accelerator program called the TLC Leaders Program.


Enquire about Leaders50 partnership opportunities for your organisation

Thinkers50 Ranking 2023

#1 Amy C. Edmondson

Pioneer and champion of psychological safety, studies people, projects and organizations to uncover the secrets of successful teaming.

Edmondson’s work on psychological safety has been groundbreaking. Her blueprint on creating a fear-free culture is essential, she argues, for organizations to be able to thrive in today’s knowledge economy in which new ideas and critical thought are essential to success. She has also explored the concept of teaming in dynamic work environments, and demonstrated how cross-organizational teaming can impact the building of smart cities.

#2 Adam Grant

Grant studies how we can find motivation and meaning and lead more generous and creative lives. He has identified three groups of people …

#3Andrew Winston & Paul Polman

Proving that organizational and personal success need not be at the expense of the world…

#4Amy Webb

Best-selling author and quantitative futurist researching emerging technology, business and society…

#5W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne

Inventors of the ground-breaking “blue ocean strategy”, paving the way for organizations to break out of …

#6Sheena Iyengar

Leading expert on choice, studying the factors that influence the choices we make and how choice and meaning are intertwined…

#7 Rita McGrath

Globally recognized expert on strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship; champion of harnessing disruptive influences for competitive advantage.

#8 Alex Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Osterwalder and Pigneur created the Business Model Canvas, an innovative strategy management …

#9Scott Anthony

Leading adviser on innovation and champion of “dual transformation” strategy, helping businesses to turn disruption into advantage.

#10Tsedal Neeley

Answers the question of how leaders can scale their organizations by developing and implementing global and digital strategies…

Marshall van Alstyne & Geoff Parker

Developed the concept of two-sided markets, which is used extensively in platform business models, and delivered the first comprehensive analysis of platform technology.

Sinan Aral

Forensically and persuasively gets to the reality inside social media and tech.

Rachel Botsman

World-renowned expert on the explosive new era of trust and technology and what this means for life, work, and how we do business.

Tiffani Bova

Top influencer in customer experience, digital transformation, business model innovation, and the future of work…

Erik Brynjolfsson & Andrew McAfee

Launched into the thought leadership stratosphere in 2014 with The Second Machine Age, their work continues to provide a road-map for success in a digital economy…

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

International authority in people analytics, talent management, leadership development, and the Human-AI interface.

Jin Chen

One of China’s premier thinkers on innovation and pioneer of holistic innovation…

Dorie Clark

Self-reinvention and branding expert, showing others how to take control of their professional lives and make an impact on the world…

Susan David

Award-winning psychologist who applies her knowledge of emotions, human motivation, and change to individuals and organizations…

Erica Dhawan

Connecting the dots for leaders as they seek to break team silos, drive exponential growth and innovate through teamwork…

Kirstin Ferguson

Helping modern leaders leave a positive legacy with head and heart leadership.

Frances Frei & Anne Morriss

Leadership isn’t about you, it is about the people you work with…

Heidi K. Gardner

Champion of cross-silo collaboration, breaking barriers, and transforming work.

Heidi Grant

Neuroscience-based talent strategist – teaching us the science of human performance, motivation, and decision-making…

Lynda Gratton

Psychologist, with a unique focus on organizational change, and the movement of business from a competitive to a more collaborative work space…

Mark Greeven

Ecosystem specialist and Mandarin-speaking authority on innovation in China…

Hal Gregersen

Catalytic questioner and global innovator, exploring how asking the right questions builds leadership and innovation, and drives purposeful change…

Ranjay Gulati

Putting purpose at the heart of management, Ranjay explains, delivers game-changing results for both companies and society alike…

Linda Hill

Top expert on leadership and innovation, focused on global strategies, and how to harness creativity and engagement for strategic implementation.

Herminia Ibarra

Distinguished authority on leadership and career development, advocating the importance of strategic networks, and the value of collaboration…

Michael Jacobides

Champion of business ecosystems and digital platforms, collaboration and partnership; specialist on corporate turnarounds and organizational transformation…

Whitney Johnson

Expert on the powers of disruption, and the ways to grasp the opportunities of change, starting with the personal.

Hubert Joly

Helping leaders put purpose to work and unleash human magic.

Martin Lindstrom

International branding expert, who has led deep research into the minds of buyers, applying insights from neuroscience to develop the concept of “buyology”…

Roger L. Martin

Martin’s influence on business strategy and thinking has been immense. He championed the idea of integrative thinking, arguing that …

Nilofer Merchant

Prominent thought leader and strategist on the future of work in the social era, advocating for people in a technology-driven workspace…

Erin Meyer

Specialist on cross-cultural management, her evaluation of different cultures has resulted in a strategic framework for organizations seeking international success…

Katy Milkman

Making business sense of human behaviour and the decisions we make…

Tina Opie

Founder of Shared Sisterhood™, Tina explores the connections between diversity, inclusion, and equity …

Gianpiero Petriglieri

Expert on leadership and learning in the workplace, notably leadership in the age of “nomadic professionalism”, and broadening and strengthening…

Dan Pink

Recognized expert on the science of motivation, the science of timing, and the business zeitgeist; writes and creates at the intersection of work, psychology, and society.

Navi Radjou

How we can expand our awareness and tap into abundant inner resources — love, ingenuity, wisdom — to direct human evolution towards a healthier…

Megan Reitz

Explorer of the theory, practice and importance of speaking truth to power…

Laura Morgan Roberts

Making workplaces fairer…

Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez

The world’s leading champion of project management; creator of concepts including the Project Economy and the Hierarchy of Purpose.

Sanyin Siang

Educator and executive coach, passionate about helping champions grow, adapt, and give back so they can keep on winning…

Simon Sinek

Leadership visionary with the intent to change how business leaders think, act, and operate, to create environments in which people work at their natural best…

Zeynep Ton

A leading voice on the case for good jobs, Zeynep explores how companies can satisfy their customers, employees, and investors simultaneously.

Liz Wiseman

Best-selling author, proponent of talent development through leadership, advocates the power of harnessing collective intelligence…

Howard Yu

A future-ready strategist, Howard specialises in technological innovation, strategic transformation, and change management.

Thinkers50 Ranking 2023

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