Aline Gatignon

Aline Gatignon

Researching how companies can collaborate with NGOs and governments to solve societal challenges.


Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2025.


Recipient of the Emerging Sustainability Scholar Award; Strategic Management Society Best PhD Paper Award, and the European Foundation for Management Development case study competition award.


Listed in INSEAD’s “50 Years, 50 Women, 50 Ideas” series.


Aline Gatignon seeks to better understand how companies and nonprofits can jointly address strategic issues of mutual concern like weak regulations, insufficient education, and inadequate infrastructure. She focuses primarily on emerging market settings, where social problems significantly impact business development, government responses are often lacking, and organisations facing resource constraints have had to innovate through cross-sector collaboration. The empirical contexts for her research include cosmetics and banking in Brazil as well as logistics and healthcare partnerships in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.


Assistant professor of management at the Wharton School, Aline is also a member of the Penn Development Research Initiative (PDRI), a faculty affiliate with the Wharton Social Impact Initiative and Penn Center for Africana Studies, and a senior fellow with the Global Scope Lab (GLOB-S) at George Washington University. She completed her PhD in strategic management at INSEAD. Aline currently serves on the editorial boards of the Strategic Management Journal and Organization Science, sits on the executive committee of the STR division for the Academy of Management Association, and is a representative-at-large for the Stakeholder Strategy Interest Group of the Strategic Management Society.


When Few Give to Many and Many Give to Few: Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies under India’s Legal Mandate’ (with C. Bode, Strategic Management Journal, 44(9), 2099–21270, 2023); ‘The Returns to Nonmarket Strategies during Institutional Transitions: Investor Reactions to Actor and Tie Characteristics’ (with M. Gama, B. DeMello, Organization Science,  34(2):916-934, 2023); ‘The double-edged sword of boundary-spanning Corporate Social Responsibility programs’ (Strategic Management Journal, 43( 10),  2156– 2184, 2022); ‘The firm as an architect of polycentric governance: Building open institutional infrastructure in emerging markets’ (Strategic Management Journal. 44:48-85, 2023).  

Media picks


Aline is doing brilliant work demonstrating how firms collaborate with civil sector organizations for social impact, including through non-market strategies.

Weslynne Ashton, Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2024

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