Elaine Lin Hering

Elaine Lin Hering

Advocate for a culture of voice – not silence – in organisations.


Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2025.


Has worked across industries on 6 continents. 


Made a wish for world peace on her 5th birthday. Still wishes – and works for – world peace.


In her 2024 book, Unlearning Silence, Elaine Lin Hering explores the ways silence undercuts our teams, leadership, and lives and offers practical strategies for what we can each do instead. Pursuing her vision of a future in which each individual knows they have a voice, uses their voice, and gets to choose when and where they lend their voice, Elaine provides leaders and managers with the practical tools and tips for helping employees speak up. Managers need to actively remove obstacles to speaking up, she argues, in order to create an organisational culture of voice rather than silence.


A former managing partner at a global leadership development firm, Elaine Lin Hering works with organisations and individuals to build skills in communication, collaboration, and conflict management. She has taught executive education at Harvard, Dartmouth, Tufts, UC Berkeley, and UCLA and served as the advanced training director for the Harvard Mediation Program and as a lecturer on law at Harvard Law School. Elaine has spoken at conferences ranging from the World Business Dialogue in Germany to the Auschwitz Institute on Peace and Reconciliation and the Global Leadership Summit.


Unlearning Silence: How to Speak Your Mind, Unleash Talent, and Live More Fully (2024). ‘How to Get Your Team to Actually Speak Up’ (Harvard Business Review, June 2024); ‘These 3 factors can help you speak up at work’ (Fast Company, March 2024); ‘Are You Unintentionally Silencing Your Employees? (Chief Executive); ‘Silence Busting Strategies for Introverts” (Next Big Idea Club, April 2024); ‘Why Silence Is Bad For Our Well-Being’ (Thrive Global, April 2024); ‘The magic of unmuting yourself’ (McKinsey & Company, May 2024); ‘3 Strategies for Speaking Up at Work’ (Chief, March 20224).  The Science of Speaking Up For Yourself (10 Percent Happier podcast).

Media picks


“’Unlearning Silence’ is an excellent study of what causes us to stay silent / silence others.”

Megan Reitz, Thinkers50 Ranked Thinker, author of Speak out, Listen Up

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