Heather Younger

Heather R. Younger

Workplace culture and employee engagement expert.


Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2025.


Recognised as an award-winning leader in employee engagement by Inspiring Workplaces.


Has personally read over 30,000 employee surveys. 


A workplace culture expert, Heather R. Younger is the creator of Caring Leadership®, a system of nine behaviours and essential skills to build an organisational culture where everyone feels valued and empowered. Research shows that when leaders care, employee effort increases along with productivity and profitability. Caring leadership, Heather explains, increases employee productivity 1.7x. In her new book, The Art of Self-Leadership: Discover the Power Within You and Learn to Lead Yourself, she provides practical strategies to develop an entirely new mindset around personal advocacy, self-leadership, and how to take control of the workplace experience.


Heather is one of the world’s leading experts on Caring Leadership® and active listening at work. She is the founder and CEO of Employee Fanatix, an employee engagement and workplace culture consulting firm to Fortune 100 companies. With over 25 years of successfully managing teams, she has worked in customer experience, sales, and large account management for multi-million-dollar accounts and multiple industries including tech, staffing, healthcare, professional services, the public sector, and the financial sector.


The Art of Self-Leadership: Discover the Power Within You and Learn to Lead Yourself (2025); The Art of Active Listening: How People at Work Feel Heard, Valued, and Understood (2023); The Art of Caring Leadership: How Leading with Heart Uplifts Teams and Organizations (2021); The 7 Intuitive Laws of Employee Loyalty (2017); The Radical Power of Caring Leadership (TEDxManitouSprings, 2022). Leadership with Heart podcast. LinkedIn Learning course modules.

Media picks


“Heather’s work on compassionate leadership, and how caring leadership and ‘caring cultures’ can transform organizations, is what the world needs more than ever.”

April Rinne, Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2023, author of Flux

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