Remembering Charles Handy

In memory of Charles Handy

When we first published the Thinkers50 ranking of the world’s leading management thinkers back in 2001 there were precious few European names on the list. Charles Handy was one of the very few Europeans whose ideas had made a wider impact. He made our inaugural list and years later we were delighted when he became the first recipient of the Thinkers50 Lifetime Achievement Award. The award he received with customary humour and humility from his London Business School colleague Lynda Gratton.

Charles always possessed an other-worldly air. On first meeting he seemed someone from the past, cardigan-wearing, given to rheumy-eyed reflection. Appearances are deceptive and Charles was firmly bedded in the present and future. His spiritual and philosophical mien was combined with a sage-like ability to sniff the air and identify important trends. Charles was talking about the portfolio career decades ago. The much talked about adaptive organizations of our era owe a lot to the idea of the Shamrock Organization expressed by Charles decades ago.

Charles’ books were unlike any others written on business and organizational themes. Their source material was the interesting and varied people in the extended and eclectic social circle of Charles and his wife Elizabeth. Anecdotes from dinner parties in Putney were as likely to be cited as philosophers. Senior executives were usually notable by their absence.

As his books became bestsellers and his profile rose (including contributing to Radio Four’s Thought for the Day) Charles remained unchanged. He was perennially asking questions, exploring the experiences of others working in organizations, trying to make sense of things. He greeted his success with a bemused shrug and a relish for the opportunities it provided — the trans-European journeys, the global friendships with people like Tom Peters and many, many others.

Along the way Charles’ protector-in-chief was the indomitable Liz. An accomplished photographer as more demands were made on her husband’s time, she was an enthusiastic gatekeeper, determined to protect Charles and for him to receive the financial and other acknowledgement she knew he deserved.

An executive in the oil industry, a management trainer, one of the founding fathers of London Business School, a bestselling author, Charles Handy ploughed a unique furrow in the world of organizations and management thinking. He was a man of wit and insight, but also one of clear and unequivocal integrity.

Video from the Thinkers50 Awards Gala 2011, where Charles accepted the Thinkers50 Lifetime Achievement Award

— Stuart Crainer and Des Dearlove, Cofounders of Thinkers50

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