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Thinkers50 Awards Gala 2025

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Regeneration Theme

3-4 November 2025, London

The Thinkers50 Awards Gala returns to London’s iconic Guildhall on 3 and 4 November 2025. And this year we couldn’t be more passionate about our mission. Business has work to do if it is to serve all its stakeholders and society as a whole. Tackling the toughest challenges – from climate change to global poverty – requires us to fundamentally rethink our preconceptions about the purpose of work, business, and leadership – and about the capitalist system itself.

Now more than ever we need fresh perspectives, a boldness of intent, and the courage to try new things, so Thinkers50 invites you to join us as we explore our 2025 theme of regeneration:

What is a regenerative organisation?

How do you drive regenerative growth?

What does it mean to be a regenerative leader?

Regeneration goes beyond sustainability.

It recognises that balancing economic, environmental, and societal impacts is not enough. Global threats such as health crises, growing inequality, and biodiversity loss mean our systems require a complete overhaul.

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bring out the best in their people and their organisations to create value for customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, and Mother Nature.



encompass how we think about talent, innovation, and every other aspect of organisational life.



creates positive impacts for all stakeholders. It’s about making profits whilst giving back more than we take, to replenish and grow the planet’s natural resources, and to make society more equitable and resilient.

The result? Not just a net zero, but a net positive impact for the planet and humanity.

And Regenerative Business is good for business. Nearly 80 percent of US consumers prefer “regenerative” brands to “sustainable” brands. Gen Y and Z consumers find sustainability simply too passive. They want to buy from regenerative businesses that embody and practice three noble qualities found in all living systems: renewal, restoration, and growth.

By creating a deeper and wider socio-economic impact, Regeneration takes us further towards a more conscientious capitalism.

Rising to the Regenerative Challenge

At Thinkers50, we are interested in practical takeaways and clear actionable solutions:

Thinkers + Doers = Impact. 

What new ideas, practices, and insights will you bring to London? What will you do to reshape the leadership landscape? 

We believe that ideas can change the world, management matters, and fresh thinking can bring a better future for all. Join us on this unique journey – to reimagine the future of business!

Event Program

Monday, November 3rd

13.30Welcome from Thinkers50 co-founders, Des Dearlove and Stuart Crainer
13.40Session 1: Do Leaders Make a Difference?
Discussion and debate on the role of leaders
15.15 Networking break
16.00Session 2: Thinkers50 2025 Lifetime Achievement Award
16.10Address by the recipient of the Thinkers50 2025 Lifetime Achievement Award
16.40Discussion focusing on the life’s work of the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient
17.30Drinks reception

Tuesday, November 4th

09.30Opening words from Thinkers50 CEO, Mikko Leskelä, and Thinkers50 COO, Monika Kosman
09.40Session 3: Growth for Growth’s Sake?
Presentations and debate on the future of capitalism
11.25Networking lunch

Session 4: Ideas@Work
Discussion and debate on how ideas and research can make an impact in the real world of business and drive a regenerative organisation  

14.25Networking break
15.10Session 5: Eyes Wide Open
Discussion and debate on foresight and a regenerative future
16.05Keynote: Call to Action
16.25End of daytime program

For Full Program & Gala Dinner ticket holders

18.30 Gala Dinner

Announcement of the Thinkers50 2025 Ranking and presentation of The Thinkers50 2025 Distinguished Achievement Awards

22.00 Drinks and live music
23.00 Close

Apply for Tickets

To guarantee the intimacy and exclusivity Thinkers50 Gala attendees have come to expect in one of the most iconic venues in London, tickets are available only by application. Curating the audience in this way will help to shape the nature of the conversation and provide the best networking opportunities for participants.

Super Early Bird Tickets

Daytime Program

£790.00 + VAT per person
The Daytime Program provides access to the daytime program on 3-4 November, but does not include the Gala Dinner, Drinks, and Awards Ceremony on 4 November.

Full Program & Gala Dinner

£990.00 + VAT per person
The Full Program & Gala Dinner includes the daytime program on 3-4 November as well as the Gala Dinner, Drinks, and Awards Ceremony on 4 November.

Super Early Bird Tickets will disappear in


*20% VAT applies only to purchases in the UK.

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Thinkers50 Awards Gala 2023

Join us in celebration of the best in business and management thinking.